Sunday, June 9, 2013

365 | Days 144 - 157

Woo... 14 days!! My, oh, my has it been busy!  
Here's forewarning, a couple of these are not my best... but thats not the point,  now, is it;)
Summer vacation is here!! I am so excited to have many more opportunities to spend fun times with my babies...and of course, capture those moments!!


  1. Goodness, T's face in the spray is adorable not to mention her piggies, and I love that Moose found you in the crowd.

    Yay for Summer!!

  2. These are great! It looks like you all are having such a wonderful vacation already. Love that first shot on the swing, the facial expression is priceless. Batman is a great capture, love the toes, love the flag - great 2 weeks!

  3. I love the first swing one, and the faucet is SO CREATIVE! I am from CM and so glad to have found you. Beautiful job on your 365!

  4. These are great, Erin! The first swing shot, the Batman mask, the faucet - all wonderful!

  5. What a great set of images! I love that swing one. Specifically, I love how unsettling it feels not being able to see the top of the swing.

  6. Once again, these are wonderful! I love them all...the swings, the grilling, batman, the flag. Love the conversions on all of those!! Looks like a good beginning to summertime :)

  7. I love these images! What a fantastic thing having these images to look back on later will be!
