It has been a loooooong weekend! All three ended up with the stomach flu and Hubba and I are doing our darnedest to avoid it! It'll be a miracle if I actually do, though, considering how much 'hands on' stuff the weekend required!!
I am so happy that it seems we are on the upswing:) I am secretly (ok, openly) excited that this is the last week of April and I can pick up my big camera again for this project. I'm interested to see what, if any, difference it has made in my shooting...
So anyway... Here's the last few days... Apparently illness puts me in a monochromatic mood....:
I am so happy I've made it this far and with this much steam.
I've heard it said before that doing a 365 really helps you find your photographic 'voice' and style. I wasn't completely convinced. Progress, yes... I can't refute claims of certain progress... But voice... I wasn't sold.
But here I am. At day 100. I haven't even picked up my 'real' camera in 10 days (and I'm hating that part)... But I know exactly the shot I would take to tell the story of our day.
I signed on to do 'All Instagram April' for my 365 with a bunch of other Clickin' Moms using only my iPhone camera!! Check out our pics on IG by checking out the hash tag #cmig365apr...
This little change has been a huge challenge already. I feel like my 365 was going so strong, and I miss my big camera! I didn't even pick it up all week!! I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out... But we'll see;)