Its already Tuesday night and it feels like its just Saturday... because we are on VACATION!! Yay for Spring Break!!
Not the crazy, big party, beach vacation kind of spring break, though... we roll with the- forts, legos, bikes, and pretend ninja in the back yard- while mom cleans, does laundry, and reorganizes- kind of spring break:) Its awesome! These are the good days.
Last week, the Studly (see day 84) Hubba and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary (see day 79)!! We did a little shopping, a little shooting, and a lot of eating and it was wonderful!
Oh, and here is a warning... day 81 is over the top DORKified!! But it was the best I could do with a remote and a face that felt as if it was melting off... and I felt that ridiculous, that I had hounded my track kids all day at the meet to lather up and drink water, and there I was getting scorched with no sunscreen... oh, well ;)